Er zijn aan aantal boeken / stukken die ons geïnspireerd hebben, deze delen we graag hieronder:

Get together:

Get Together is a guide to cultivating a community—people who come together over what they care about. Whether starting a run crew, helping online streamers connect with fans, or sparking a movement of K-12 teachers, the secret to getting people together is the same: build your community with people, not for them

Here, you’ll find our library of frameworks, exercises, and inspiration. As long as you give credit to People & Company, feel free to remix and adapt what we’ve created.

Hun resources:


Get Together Book | How to Build a Community With Your People

The steps to getting your community off to a flying start

A community doesn’t just spring up out of nowhere. Most communities are the result of a carefully directed process. In this post I’ll take you through the thirteen steps from idea to successful community. LINK

Maarten legt uit over hoe de Knowledge Mile Community is gestart:

Twan Eikelenboom - Beweging creëren – handvatten voor nieuwe netwerkinitiatieven

Beweging creëren - handvatten voor nieuwe netwerkinitiatieven

Impact meten:

Screenshot 2022-03-15 at 18.24.08.png

Het Impactpad

Connected Company - Dave Gray

Over het hoe je zelfsturende teams kunt organiseren. - Maarten Terpstra legt je hier graag meer over uit